Sunday, April 17, 2011


Spent the last week in Katy, Texas with my fam.  I took the week off from training, my job, Seattle life, and the raw diet.  I learned that a) its ok and deeply restorative to pause and evaluate every so often b) my muscles will not atrophy if I don't compulsively work them c) it isn't so much about what I eat, rather how I eat it  d) I like training e) I like resting f) it is enlightening to go somewhere different and leave my ideas behind

Plan for the next two weeks - bump up stairs/running workouts to three times per week.  Two spin classes for cross-training, 4-5 yoga classes, one hike w/weight + elevation on weekend, long bike ride if I have excess energy to burn.  Otherwise, rest day.   On May 6 I am leaving for a two week yoga intensive teacher training.  I probably won't know until I am there how much time I will have for training and what type will be realistic.

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