Tuesday, June 14, 2011

snow skills clinic

Early morning - 5:30 start at trailhead; did a half hike of Mt. Si and some yoga before heading to Alpental in Snoqualimie Pass for a day of glacier travel instruction with the 3 Summits team leads.

Snow skills clinic.  At Alpental, Snoqualmie Pass.  Five hours of basic glacier travel instruction on self-arrest, tying effective knots, group rope travel, and z pulley crevasse rescue.  Self-arrest practice was fun. We practiced stopping ourselves from a couple positions: feet first, face first (lying on belly and back).  I appreciated both the solitude and community experience of being part of a rope team.  We were spaced far enough apart that I had personal space to be with my internal experience, and simultaneously felt connected to my team.  Glacier travel requires mindfulness, concentration, and attention to detail, among the myriad of technical skills required for safe and successful trips.  I had a conversation with my friend Brenda on Saturday about this very subject; she called them ‘soft skills’ and ‘hard skills.’  Brenda has a lot of experience with both climbing and teaching people how to climb.  She commented that it is harder to both learn and teach the ‘soft skills’, that mindfulness, trusting intuition, having patience for varying speeds and abilities of team members.  I was surprised today that I was patient with myself (most importantly) and my group.   I’ve had concerns over the past couple of weeks that I would be unhappy with the group dynamic because other people wouldn’t pull their weight, or would somehow ‘slow me down.’  I cultivated some humility today, and, instead, felt grateful to be part of the 2011 3 Summits group.  I certainly can’t climb Mt. Rainier alone with my current (lack of) skills.  Really, when I examine my irritation, the source is my inner doubt and fear - wanting to 'go hard' because somehow that would mean something about my worth as a person.  Also, being with a group mirrors more precisely what my skill level and fitness actually is - there will be some slower, some faster.  Quicker learners, slower learners.  More technical skill, less technical skill. When I'm alone, I don't have that reflection to see what is going on inside of me; how I feel about myself and how I roll with the waves in my mind.  I also felt very grateful for the volunteer leaders; Eddie, Brett, Cal, Andrew.  They volunteered their time and expertise to the novice team because they love mountaineering and want to share their experience with us.  Inspired me to be more giving and free with my knowledge and skills, even those soft skills.  I can certainly be more patient, more flexible, more compassionate, more truthful.  All in all, a fabulous day in the mountains.

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