Wednesday, March 23, 2011

raw update

I'm still in it to win it.  Today is day 15.  The word 'roughage' has context in my life now.  I spent Monday morning/early afternoon in Portland visiting with friends in town from Chicago.   Diana and Stephen. We ate lunch at 'Prasad', located in the same building as the 'Yoga Pearl' studio on Davis St. - I had an exquisite raw entree, the 'Fiesty Tostada' - most flavorful meal I have had in the past two weeks.  De-lish-ka, as my stepmother Suzie likes to say.

I wondered during my drive to Portland early Monday morning, how my raw goal would fit into my visit - being proactive and suggesting the restaurant made it uncomplicated.

Generally, I'd say most days and times of the day, I feel adequately nourished and sated.   After the Mailbox Peak hike on Saturday, I felt depleted.  It took me a couple of days to feel my energy levels back to usual.  In hindsight, I didn't eat enough during the hike, nor drink enough liquids, and I probably pushed myself too hard.  I carried too much weight in my pack for my current body's limits.

I am starting to get a little bored of my now-routine eats - last week I ate at Chaco Canyon twice - helped me deviate from my usual green smoothie/energy balls/ trail mix meals, though was too costly to be a sustainable solution for the duration of my raw pursuit.

I am considering looking up raw recipes online to experiment with 'raw cooking.'

Last night, while at Costco, I fantasized about steamed vegetables - brussels sprouts, broccoli, yams.

I am finding very little, if any, emotional comfort in raw foods - its just not there.   Food is food - nourishing, sensual, energizing, life-supporting sustenance. My co-worker Laurel put it well during a conversation we had last week about raw diets, when she commented that it makes sense to eat raw because the energy goes directly from the sun, into the plant, into people.  Makes sense to me, too.  Makes me wonder about the propaganda from the dairy/meat industries/government-subsidized entities.  There is so much information online about diets and nutrition; I still don't know what to believe.  Seems like everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks they are right.  And maybe they are - because thats what they believe.  I've been thinking a lot about what I believe; well, sifting through others' ideas,  contemplating, experimenting, exploring.  These past two weeks have given me an opportunity for my personal exploration of my body and nutrition.  I am certainly challenging my own beliefs and fears around what I put into my body, I do believe that.

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